New Monge Problems
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François-Xavier Vialard
Entropic Semi-Martingale Optimal Transport
CARL: A Framework for Equivariant Image Registration
Semi-Discrete Optimal Transport: Nearly Minimax Estimation With Stochastic Gradient Descent and Adaptive Entropic Regularization
Understanding the training of infinitely deep and wide ResNets with Conditional Optimal Transport
On the global convergence of Wasserstein gradient flow of the Coulomb discrepancy
Inverse Consistency by Construction for Multistep Deep Registration
A geometric Laplace method
Unbalanced Optimal Transport, from Theory to Numerics
On the existence of Monge maps for the Gromov-Wasserstein distance
GradICON: Approximate Diffeomorphisms via Gradient Inverse Consistency.
Stability of Semi-Dual Unbalanced Optimal Transport: fast statistical rates and convergent algorithm
Toric Geometry of Entropic Regularization
Faster Unbalanced Optimal Transport: Translation invariant Sinkhorn and 1-D Frank-Wolfe
Regularity theory and geometry of unbalanced optimal transport
Convex transport potential selection with semi-dual criterion
Global convergence of ResNets: From finite to infinite width using linear parameterization
Near-optimal estimation of smooth transport maps with kernel sums-of-squares
ICON: Learning Regular Maps Through Inverse Consistency
A dimension free computational upper-bound for smooth optimal transport estimation
The Unbalanced Gromov Wasserstein Distance: Conic Formulation and Relaxation
A Shooting Formulation of Deep Learning
Faster Wasserstein Distance Estimation with the Sinkhorn Divergence
A discretize–optimize approach for LDDMM registration
Spatially adaptive metrics for diffeomorphic image matching in LDDMM
Generalized compressible fluid flows and solutions of the Camassa-Holm variational model
Metric completion of Diff([0,1]) with the H1 right-invariant metric
Region-specific Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping
Metric Learning for Image Registration
Interpolating between Optimal Transport and MMD using Sinkhorn Divergences
Second order models for optimal transport and cubic splines on the Wasserstein space
Sinkhorn Divergences for Unbalanced Optimal Transport
Embedding Camassa-Holm equations in incompressible Euler
Unbalanced Optimal Transport: Dynamic and Kantorovich Formulations
An Interpolating Distance Between Optimal Transport and Fisher--Rao Metrics
Variational Second-Order Interpolation on the Group of Diffeomorphisms with a Right-Invariant Metric
Optimal Transport for Diffeomorphic Registration
On completeness of groups of diffeomorphisms
Geodesics on shape spaces with bounded variation and Sobolev metrics
Piecewise rigid curve deformation via a Finsler steepest descent
Splines for diffeomorphisms
Diffeomorphic Image Matching with Left-Invariant Metrics
Longitudinal deformation models, spatial regularizations and learning strategies to quantify Alzheimer's disease progression
Spatially-Varying Metric Learning for Diffeomorphic Image Registration: A Variational Framework
A Second-Order Model for Time-Dependent Data Interpolation: Splines on Shape Spaces
Extension to infinite dimensions of a stochastic second-order model associated with shape splines
Left-Invariant Metrics for Diffeomorphic Image Registration with Spatially-Varying Regularisation
Piecewise-diffeomorphic image registration: Application to the motion estimation between 3D CT lung images with sliding conditions
Piecewise-diffeomorphic image registration: Application to the motion estimation between 3D CT lung images with sliding conditions
Riemannian metrics for statistics on shapes: Parallel transport and scale invariance
Diffeomorphic 3D Image Registration via Geodesic Shooting Using an Efficient Adjoint Calculation
Geodesic Regression for Image Time-Series
Coronary Motion Estimation from CTA Using Probability Atlas and Diffeomorphic Registration
Diffeomorphic Atlas Estimation using Geodesic Shooting on Volumetric Images
Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Registration Using Fine and Coarse Strategies
Correlation, CDOs of ABS and the subprime crisis
Extension to BV functions of the large deformation diffeomorphisms matching approach