PhD students:
Lenaïc Chizat (2014 - 2017, cosupervision with G. Peyré).
Thibault Séjourné (2018 - 2022, cosupervision with G. Peyré).
Adrien Vacher (2020 - 2023), now post-doc INRIA.
Raphaël Barboni (2022 - …, cosupervision with G. Peyré).
Siwan Boufadene (2022 - …, cosupervision with Tho. Gallouët).
Théo Dumont (2023 - …, cosupervision with Théo Lacombe).
Giacomo Nardi (2013 - 2014, with G. Peyré).
Andrea Natale (2017 - 2019, with J.-D. Benamou).
Gabriele Todeschi (2023 - ).
Former member of the INRIA team MOKAPLAN, which aims at developing numerical algorithms and software to solve variational problems with a particular focus on optimal transport and its generalizations.
Former member of the CNRS project CAVALIERI (défi Imag’in de la mission pour l’interdisciplinarité) together with Vincent Duval (PI) and Charles Dossal and Nicolas Papadakis and Julien Rabin. The goal is to develop new models and methods for applications in image analysis. For instance, developing new metrics for image comparison.
Co-organiser with Marc Hoffmann, Gabriel Peyré, Vincent Rivoirard of the Working Group Statistique et Imagerie at Paris-Dauphine.
Co-author with Laurent Risser and Darryl Holm as the Principal Investigator of the ERC granted project 2010: Five Grand Challenges in Computational Anatomy.
Past Talks (not updated since 2017):
New trends in applied geometric mechanics (D. Holm’s’ 70th birthday), ICMAT Madrid, July 2017.
Statistics and Shapes seminar, UNC, April 2017.
Medical Image Seminar, MIT, April 2017.
Shape, Image and Optimization, Muenster, March 2017.
Calculus of Variations and Optimal Transport (Brenier’s 60th birthday), IHP, January 2017.
Journée transport optimal, équation de Monge-Ampère et applications (ANR Maga), IHES, December 2016.
GT CalVa, Orsay, October 2016.
MokaTAO meeting, Inria Paris, October 2016.
Geometric Measure Theory: Analysis and non-smooth objects, CIMI analysis semester, Toulouse, September 2016.
Mathematics of Shapes and Applications, Singapore, July 2016.
SIAM Imaging Science, Large Scale Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging, Albuquerque, May 2016.
Geometric analysis theory in vision and control conference, Voss - Bergen, May 2016.
Applied mathematics seminar, Cermics, ENPC, January 2016.
Geometric measure theory and its applications, ANR Geometrya, Grenoble, June 2015.
Bernoulli Institute, EPFL, April 2015.
Orsay university, applied analysis seminar, march 2015.
Infinite-Dimensional Riemannian Geometry with Applications to Image Matching and Shape Analysis in Vienna, February 2015.
FGMIA 2014, IHP.
ANR TOMMI, Grenoble, October 2013, slides.
Hamiltonian dynamics seminar, EPFL, October 2013.
Workshop MFCA, MICCAI Nagoya, September, 2013.
Séminaire de statistiques, IMT Toulouse, November, 2012.
the Legacy of Jerry Marsden, Fields Institute, July 2012.
Séminaire de statistiques, Université Paris 13, June, 2012.
ARC BrainVar (Cachan, Sept. 2007): “Approche Hamiltonienne pour le recalage d’image”
Workshop Geometry and statistics on shape spaces (Bonn, 2008): “Hamiltonian image matching”
Séminaire de mathematiques appliquées de Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, Sept. 2008), “From the Hamiltonian image matching problem to a stochastic growth model.”
Workshop on Shape spaces: (Annapolis, Avril 2009)
Soutenance de thèse (Cachan, Mai 2009)
CardioMaths seminar (Imperial College, Juin 2009)
Groupe de travail de mathématiques appliquées de l’ENS Cachan-Bretagne (Nov 2009).
Groupe de travail calcul des variations - Université Paris-Dauphine (March 2010).
Workshop on Computational Anatomy and mathematics on shape spaces - Imperial College (May 2010).
Workshop Miccai: Spatio-Temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data - Beijing (September 2010).
AMSTAT Seminar of Warwick University, March 2011.
Groupe de travail, Université Paris 5 - Descartes, March 2011.
Workshop on Shape spaces: Imperial College London, 2011.
NatImages , IHP November 9th 2011.
SIGMA , Université Paris 6, November 18th, 2011.